4 August 2024

4 August 2024

The San Diego pelagic trip on Sunday, August 4th, aboard “Legacy” and sponsored by Buena Vista Audubon Society, sailed out to the 9-Mile & 30-Mile Banks and “The Corner” (some 32 miles offshore). Seas were light to moderate, with a light surface chop, improving as the day went on. Highlights of the trip were a very cooperative South Polar Skua on the 30-Mile Bank, again a record (tie) single-day high count of 6 Black-footed Albatrosses for the second day in a row, mostly in the 30-Mile Bank area, 5 Brown (Cocos) Boobies, and plenty of white-rumped Leach’s/Townsend’s Storm-Petrels at the 30-Mile Bank and nearby to befuddle us.

Totals for the day, once we were a mile offshore, included:

  • Western Sandpiper  10
  • Red-necked Phalarope  40
  • South Polar Skua  1
  • Pomarine Jaeger  2
  • Cassin’s Auklet  1
  • small alcid sp.  1
  • Heermann’s Gull  1
  • Western Gull  70
  • Least Tern  1  (30 miles offshore)
  • Common Tern  2
  • Elegant Tern  34
  • Black-footed Albatross  6
  • Leach’s Storm-Petrel  23  (fairly high total; both white-rumped and dark-rumped)
  • Townsend’s Storm-Petrel  2  (more or less, depending on outcome of photo study)
  • Leach’s/Townsend’s (white-rumped) Storm-Petrel  10
  • Black Storm-Petrel  320
  • Sooty Shearwater  37
  • Pink-footed Shearwater  24
  • Black-vented Shearwater  16
  • Brown (Cocos) Booby  5
  • Brandt’s Cormorant  1
  • Double-crested Cormorant  1
  • Brown Pelican  73
  • Also:
  • Surfbird  10
  • Blue Whale  2
  • Risso’s Dolphins

Paul Lehman, Dan Jehl, Jimmy McMorran, Gary Nunn, Barbara Wise, San Diego

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