18 May 2024

18 May 2024

The San Diego pelagic trip on 18 May sponsored by Buena Vista Audubon Society aboard “Legacy” out of Mission Bay went out to the 9-Mile Bank, San Diego Trough, 30-Mile Bank, and “The Corner.” Ocean conditions were excellent, with light seas and a high marine overcast all morning. Large numbers of several species were noted in the waters from about 4 miles offshore out to the 9-Mile, with smaller numbers farther out. Especially impressive totals included the 20 Blue Whales, 115 Scripps’s Murrelets, 3000 Sooty Shearwaters (including one bird with a fully white head and neck), and 6 Brown Boobies. The two Common Murres were scarce and getting late.

Offshore totals for the day (once a couple miles offshore) were:

  • Surf Scoter  4
  • Eared Grebe  1
  • Red-necked Phalarope  35
  • jaeger sp.  1
  • Common Murre  2  (off Mission Bay)
  • Scripps’s Murrelet  115  (high count)
  • Cassin’s Auklet  65
  • Rhinoceros Auklet  1
  • Bonaparte’s Gull  2
  • Heermann’s Gull  2
  • Western Gull  175
  • California Gull  50
  • Least Tern  3
  • Elegant Tern  1300
  • Common Loon  4
  • Pacific Loon  12
  • Ashy Storm-Petrel  2
  • Black Storm-Petrel  160
  • Pink-footed Shearwater  80
  • Sooty Shearwater  3000
  • Black-vented Shearwater  4
  • Brown Booby  6
  • Brown Pelican  70
  • Double-crested Cormorant  1
  • Brandt’s Cormorant  3
  • hummingbird sp.  1
  • warbler sp.  1
  • Black Oystercatcher 2, hybrid American X Black Oystercatcher 1 (Mission Bay jetties)
  • Blue Whale  20  (very high count)
  • Fin Whale  5


Paul Lehman, Dave Povey, Bruce Rideout, Dan King, Jimmy McMorran

San Diego

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