8 June 2024

8 June 2024

The San Diego pelagic trip on Saturday, June 8th, sponsored by Buena Vista Audubon Society and aboard “Legacy” out of Mission Bay was blessed with very light seas and nice overcast (good lighting) all day. Virtually all the expected pelagic species were seen, along with several scarce or rare species for June (e. g., Common Murre, Sabine’s Gull, Northern Fulmar). Good photo opportunities were had of species like breeding-plumaged Red Phalarope, multiple very close Craveri’s Murrelets, Northern Fulmar, etc. 

Totals for the day, once we were about two miles offshore were:

  • Red-necked Phalarope  1 (basic)
  • Red Phalarope  2 (1 alternate, 1 basic)
  • Pomarine Jaeger  1
  • Parasitic Jaeger  1
  • Common Murre  3 (off Mission Bay)
  • Scripps’s Murrelet  6
  • Craveri’s Murrelet  16
  • murrelet sp.  2
  • Cassin’s Auklet  55
  • Sabine’s Gull  3 (one-year-olds, 30-Mile Bank)
  • Heermann’s Gull   5
  • Western Gull  175
  • Common Tern  1 (The Corner)
  • Least Tern  2
  • Royal Tern  2
  • Elegant Tern  3200
  • Pacific Loon  3 (basic, northbound)
  • Ashy Storm-Petrel  8
  • Black Storm-Petrel  175
  • Northern Fulmar  2 (SD Trough)
  • Pink-footed Shearwater  25
  • Sooty Shearwater  1250
  • Black-vented Shearwater  11
  • Brown Booby  2
  • Brown Pelican  130
  • Brandt’s Cormorant  2
  • Also: American X Black Oystercatcher & Black Oystercatcher (Mission Bay jetties)

Paul Lehman, Dave Povey, Bruce Rideout, Nancy Christensen, Dan Jehl, and Jimmy McMorran

San Diego

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